Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Zendala Dare 43

The template for this zendala was by Erin at The Bright Owl. This time I used the full-sized template, much easier than the little one.

Once again a celtic knot appeared in my drawing. I had to curve a couple of straight lines in order to create it. Then something funny happened. I was planning to use Dansk as one of my tangles so that I could use the same drawing for the Diva's challenge (here) this week. I was confident that I knew how to draw Dansk and I went ahead and drew it all over the zendala.  Of course you will have noticed that I actually drew Verve, not Dansk. Haha. So my plan will not work.

Update: I forgot that there was an extra challenge this week and we were supposed to draw something that made us feel like an artist. I think I would say that it is the shading and colouring that I feel is most artistic. That and changing things - making the celtic knot in this drawing. And, now I think about it, making things look shiny. So, unintentionally, I did do the challenge after all.


  1. Like your center. Really pops out. Your line work on the other tangles is great. Nice job.

  2. Lovely! I love the shining center, I love the touch of colour, well I love this zendala.

  3. I like your shining centre en the woven ribbons through the outside. The little touch of color is great!

  4. Very clever. The "shiny" effect in the middle is excellent. I can see how a person could easily confuse Verve for Dansk.

  5. This really seems to move. Very nice !
